Slides for my talk about hyperproprties and abstraction in concurrent objects, given at FRIDA 2022.
Author Archives: Hagit Attiya
PODC 2022 paper is online
“Blunting an Adversary Against Randomized Concurrent Programs with Linearizable Implementations”, with Constantin Enea and Jennifer Welch (see is now published online (this includes a recording of my talk).
Here are my slides (with the trademarked figure!).
Two papers about the use of linearizable objects in randomized concurrent algorithms
The paper “Blunting an Adversary Against Randomized Concurrent Programs with Linearizable Implementations”, also with Constantin Enea and Jennifer Welch (see was accepted to PODC 2022.
The paper “Impossibility of Strongly-Linearizable Message-Passing Objects via Simulation by Single-Writer Registers”, with Constantin Enea and Jennifer Welch appeared in DISC 2021 (see DISC pre-recorded talk
“Detectable Recovery of Lock-Free Data Structures” in PPoPP 2022
Our paper on Detectable Recovery of Lock-Free Data Structures to apear in PPoPP 2022.
Lock-freedom vs. Wait-freedom paper published in JPDC
Our paper “Separating lock-freedom from wait-freedom at every level of the consensus hierarchy” (previously published in PODC 2018) appeared in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. link open link for 50 days
Collect w/ Churn paper appeared in I&C special issue of SSS2020
Our paper “Store-collect in the presence of continuous churn with application to snapshots and lattice agreement” is published in the Information&Computation special issue of SSS 2020. permanent link author’s link
Paper on Recoverable F&A in OPODIS 2021
Paper on NVRAM in HPC is accepted to FTXS
New paper evaluating the use of Optane Data Center Persistent Memory Module (DCPMM) for scientific computing on high-performance machines has been accepted to Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS 2021).
The paper was featured in HPCWire.
Invited talk at SRDS 2021
AMA in EuroSys
Ask Me Anything in EuroSys 2021, on Wednesday, April 28, at 14:30 BST. Youtube video