Former Group Members

Sabbatical visitors:

  1. Faith Ellen, Lady Davis sabbatical visitor.
  2. Maurice Herlihy, 2012 Fulbright Distinguished Chair.


  1. Sweta Kumari
  2. Archit Somani
  3. Trevor Brown, Assistant professor, University of Waterloo.
  4. Matthieu Perrin, Associate professor, University of Nantes.
  5. Adam Morrison, Assistant professor, Tel-Aviv University.
  6. Armando Castaneda, Investigator, UNAM.
  7. Alessia Milani, associate professor at ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
  8. Corentin Travers, associate professor at ENSEIRB-MATMECA.


  1. Maya Arbel-Raviv, Concurrent Data Structures with RCU, PhD, 2018. Software Engineer at Riot Games
  2. Sandeep Hans, A Programming Language Approach to Transactional Memory Consistency, PhD, 2015. (Part of TransForm, a Marie Curie Initial Training Network). Research Scientist at IBM Research, New Delhi, India.
  3. Eshcar Hillel, Highly-Concurrent Data Structures, PhD, February 2011. Researcher at Yahoo! .
  4. Keren Censor-Hillel, Probabilistic Methods in Distributed Computing, PhD, August 2010. Assistant Professor at the Technion.
  5. David Hay, Competitive Evaluation of Switch Architectures, PhD, April 2007. Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Hebrew University.
  6. Ronit Nossenson (Teplixke), Stochastic Models for Web Servers, May 2005.
  7. Arie Fouren, Adaptive Wait-Free Algorithms for Asynchronous Shared-Memory Systems, September 2001.
  8. Ophir Rachman, Resiliency in Distributed Systems, June 1996 (Director, Security Products, Vmware, previously, VP of Engineering in Entercept).
  9. Roy Friedman, Consistency Conditions for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors, August 1994. Associate professor at the Department of Computer Science, Technion.


  1. Gili Yavneh, Remote Memory References at Block Granularity, May 2018.
  2. Ami Paz, Counting-Based Impossibility Proofs for Distributed Tasks, May 2013.
  3. Alex Kogan, Efficient Fault-Tolerant Resource Allocation in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, June 2008. Now a researcher at Scalable Synchronization Research Group (Oracle Labs).
  4. Yaniv Kaplan, Lower Bounds for Adaptive Collect and Related Objects, September 2004.
  5. Idan Zach, Fully Adaptive Shared-Memory Algorithms, September 2004.
  6. Zvi Avidor, Wait-Free n-set Consensus when Inputs are Restricted, January 2004.
  7. Vita Bortnikov, Adaptive Algorithms for Mutual Exclusion, November 2000.
  8. Alla Gorbach, Computing in Anonymous Asynchronous Shared Memory, March 1999.
  9. Eyal Dagan, Universal Operations: Unary vs. Binary, June 1996 (CEO of Dune Networks).
  10. Rinat Rappoport, The Level of Handshake Required for Establishing a Connection, January 1995.
  11. Tami Tamir, Resource Allocation in Distributed Systems, November 1994 (now in the Interdisciplinary Center).
  12. Taly Djerassi (Shintel), Time Bounds for Decision Problems in Semi-Synchronous Systems, December 1993.
  13. Eran Aharonson, The Structure of Counting Networks, March 1992.