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Asynchronous Distributed Machine Learning, at the PODC 2022 Workshop: Principles of Distributed Learning . my slides
Preserving hyperproperties when using concurrent objects , keynote at 40TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RELIABLE DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (SRDS 2021) . Video .
Specification and complexity of replicated objects , (virtual) keynote talk at 7th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC 2020) . Video .
Agreement and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System . In 3rd Winter School in Computer Science and Engineering on Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies . YouTube
Coordination without Agreement . In College de France , November 2018.
Specification and complexity of replicated objects. Invited talk at SSS , November 2016. slides (long version)
Sharing memories, robustly . A Prezi presentation upon receiving the Dijkstra award, September 2011. (Needs Adobe Flash.)
Inherent limitations can facilitate design and verification of concurrent programs , invited talk at Intel & Technion Symposium , 2011. slides Longer version given as HiPEACS seminar, April 2011.
The inherent complexity of transactional memory and what to do about it , invited talk at PODC 2010 . slides paper (in ACM DL) also in ICDCN 2011 (paper in Springer )
Algorithms that Adapt to Contention , in Winter School: Hot Topics in Distributed Computing 2010 . slides
A World of (Im)Possibilities , a talk (with Jennifer Welch ) at the Nancy Lynch Celebration in PODC 2008 . slides
When parallel met distributed , invited talk in SPAA 2008 . slides
A mile-high view of concurrent algorithms , in Workshop on the Verification of Concurrent Algorithms (COVA 2008). slides
Highly-Concurrent Data Structures , talk in the LADIS 2007 workshop. slides another version from the Multi-Core 2008 seminar at Ben-Gurion University.
The Cost of Obstruction-Freedom , talk prepared for a national seminar on distributed computing at Ben-Gurion University. slides
Adapting to Point Contention with Long-Lived Safe Agreement , invited talk in SIROCCO 2006 . article slides photo
Algorithms that Adapt to Contention . slides
The Inherent Queuing Delay of Parallel Packet Switches . slides