The journal version of “Asynchronous fully-decentralized SGD in the cluster-based model” (with Noa Schiller) is published in Theoretical Computer Science. link
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Brief announcement in DISC 2024
Solvability of Three-Process General Tasks, with Pierre Fraigniaud, Ami Paz and Sergio Rajsbaum will appear in DISC 2024. longer version
Journal version of “Lower Bounds on the Amortized Time Complexity of Shared Objects”
The journal version of “Lower Bounds on the Amortized Time Complexity of Shared Objects” (with Arie Fouren & Jeremy Ko) is published in Theory of Computing Systems. link
Two PODC 2024 are now online
Two papers accepted to PODC 2024, to be held in June 2024, are now online.
- History-Independent Concurrent Objects, with Michael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton, Rotem Oshman and Noa Schiller. arxiv
- Strong Linearizability using Primitives with Consensus Number 2, with Armando Castañeda and Constantin Enea. arxiv
OPODIS 2023 papers are now online
- Attiya and Welch. Bounds on Worst-Case Responsiveness for Agreement Algorithms
- Attiya and Welch. Multi-Valued Connected Consensus: A New Perspective on Crusader Agreement and Adopt-Commit arxiv
- Attiya, Del Pozzo, Milani, Pavloff and Rapetti. The Synchronization Power of Auditable Registers arxiv
- Lev Lehman, Attiya and Hendler. Recoverable and Detectable Self-Implementations of Swap arxiv
Papers accepted to DISC 2023
Two regular papers:
- Topological Characterization of Task Solvability in General Models of Computation with Armando Castañeda and Thomas Nowak arxiv
- One Step Forward, One Step Back: FLP-Style Proofs and the Round-Reduction Technique for Colorless Tasks with Pierre Fraigniaud, Ami Paz and Sergio Rajsbaum arxiv
Two brief announcments:
- Multi-Valued Connected Consensus: A New Perspective on Crusader Agreement and Adopt-Commit with Jennifer Welch arxiv
- Recoverable and Detectable Self-Implementations of Swap with Tomer Lev Lehman and Danny Hendler arxiv
Paper on Simulation of Randomized BFT Protocols on Block DAGs accepted to CONCUR 2023
Faithful Simulation of Randomized BFT Protocols on Block DAGs, with Constantin Enea and Shafik Nassar, was accepted to CONCUR 2023. paper in LIPIcs NEW
Plenary panel at FCRC 2023
Participated in FCRC 2023 Plenary Panel: Reflecting on 50 Years of Computing Research, and Future Outlook. youtube recording
Paper on Limitations of Valency Arguments in JPDC
My paper with Armando Castañeda and Sergio Rajsbaum, “Locally Solvable Tasks and the Limitations of Valency Arguments” has appeared in Journal on Parallel and Distributed Computing (accessible link).
OPODIS 2022 best paper now online
My paper with Faith Ellen, “The Step Complexity of Multidimensional Approximate Agreement“, which won the best paper award in OPODIS 2022 is now online.